Studies show that handwritten notes link knowledge to the brain better than with typing. Not only are characters complicated, but handwriting has been replaced by typing. With the advent of computers and cell phones, character amnesia has become an issue even in countries where Chinese is the native language. Shufa as an art form or writing form has several notable benefits: Language familiarity/learning Korea similarly evolved its calligraphy from the Chinese art, and many Korean scholars learned Chinese characters to practice the art, since Korean is based on an entirely different alphabet. In fact Japan, which uses Chinese characters in Japanese (called kanji), practices Japanese calligraphy with heavy Chinese influence. The practice extends outside of China to many countries in Asia. An innate talent is not necessarily required.

After learning the foundation of calligraphy, many artists imbue their own sense of style to the art. Muscle memory from repeated practice and a trained eye eventually results in symmetrical, aesthetically pleasing characters. 新加坡康熙文物展 Inkstone from Qing Dynasty Emporer Kangxi Even experienced calligraphers often learn by imitating the work of the masters. A popular way to practice calligraphy is to use model templates, almost akin to coloring. For those aiming just a bit lower, calligraphy still offers a structure for learning that is incredibly approachable. The main takeaway of this story is that even his skill is obtainable with the right amount of dedication. The Wang family’s mastery of calligraphy has been celebrated for centuries. Ultimately the son became a master of calligraphy in his own right, as did many generations of the Wang family. She exclaimed: Son, all your efforts and hard work have culminated in writing this “dian” at the bottom, congratulations! The son hung his head and explained that this was the father’s addition, adding, “What will it take to become as good as Father?” Mother said, “If you finish using all 7 tubs of water outside the house for calligraphy practice, then you will obtain your desired level.” Since ink is created from adding a small amount of water to an inkstone and then rubbing down an inkstick, this would be a considerable amount of practice. The son then took the scroll to his mother. Without further comment, his father added a dot at the bottom, which turned the character into the word “太” tài(meaning too). He excitedly brought the character to his father, hoping to impress. Legend has it that one day the son was practicing calligraphy, and found pride in the character “大” dà (meaning big) he had written. His son Wang xianzhi王献之 also practiced calligraphy ardently, trying to follow in his father’s footsteps.

What it takes to perfect the art of calligraphy is personified by the family of Wang Xizhi王羲之, who was one of the most famous calligraphers in history. Shufa 书法, or Chinese calligraphy, may seem a bit daunting at first, a practice better left to a professional, an artist, or better yet some Chinese scholar? Yet the benefits of Chinese calligraphy have been discussed for thousands of years.